New Program! Lots of new and “fun” stuff. Most likely you will go up in weight if you are feeling good, are rested, nutrition is good and stress is low. We are moving into lower reps and lower volume as we move into the season.
Squats and Bench Press
3 at RPE-8, then use the same weight for 4 sets of 2 reps.
6 at RPE-8 then use same stress for 4 reps in 5 sets
Accessory Work
Part 1: 10 Min EMOM (Every minute on the minute)
- Min 1- 2 Sleds or 20 weighted step ups
- Min 2- 10 Push Press and 10 Plank row (try to use the same dumbbells)
Part 2: 10 Min EMOM
- 10 Single Leg Deadlifts 5 each side
- 10 Step ups 5 each side
10 Min PLANK
This one is a doozy! You are obviously not going to do plank for 10 min unless you are an absolute crusher with plank. One person made it 6 and a half minutes on plank. But, you will attempt a plank for as long as you can with good quality, once you break plank you will do 10 calories on any machine. You will repeat for 10 min total. I did 5 rounds on the ski erg. I did 3 min plank, then 10 calories, then 1:30 plank until 10 min.
Special Sauce: 3 rounds to RPE-9
- Back Extensions
- Banded Hip Flexor March
- Reverse Nordics
- Calf Raises
Team ARMS: 6 Rounds
:20 Work/:10 Rest—-DB Curl to overhead press