We will be on a 3 rep scheme for a bit, but we will have different variations of 3’s.
Squat and Bench Press
3 at RPE-8, then take -5% off the 3 at RPE-8 weight and then do 3 sets of 3 reps with the new weight. You should have one hard set and then 3 easier sets.
3 at RPE-8 then break up 15 more reps
Accessory Work:
10 Min EMOM
- Min 1– 2 sleds or 20 weighted step ups
- Min 2– 10 DB Push Press and 10 Plank Row 5 each side with same weight
10 Min EMOM
- Min 1- 10 Single Leg Deads 5 each side
- Min 2- 10 Split Squats 5 each side
10 Min Plank (just like last week you will try to hold plank as long as you can, but when you break plank you must do 10 calories on a machine. You will be done at 10 min. Most people had to do 4-5 efforts of 10 calories.)
Special Sauce: 3 rounds to RPE-9
- Back Extensions
- Banded Hip Flexor March
- Reverse Nordics
- Calf Raises
Team Arms: 5 rounds
:20 Narrow grip tricep Pushups
:10 Rest
:20 DB Bicep Curls
:10 Rest