June 26, 2022 | Category: GET THE GOAT, July 2022
Teams of 3-4 (Solo Version Below)
15 Min Max Rounds
- 20 Cal Ski
- 10 Wall Balls
(Partner 1 will complete both machine and exercise, while partner 2 and 3 are resting. Once partner 1 has completed both then partner 2 can go next. If you have a team of 4, then partner 2 will start when partner 1 finishes the machine)
15 Min Max Rounds
- 20 Cal Bike
- 5 Burpee Box Jumps
(Same format as part 1)
15 Min Max rounds
- 20 Cal Row
- 2 Plate pushes or 10 weighted step ups
Solo Version: Max rounds in 45 min
- 20 Cal Ski
- 10 Wall Balls
- 1 min Rest
- 20 Cal Bike
- 5 Box Jumps
- 1 Min Rest
- 20 Cal Row
- 2 Plate Pushes or 10 weighted Step Ups