Squat and Bench Press
3 at RPE-8, then -5% for 4 sets of 3 reps
3 At RPE-8, then break up 15 more reps
Part 1: 15 Min Circuit
- 150 Meter Ski Sprint
- 10-15 DB Bench
- 10-15 Bench Row each side
- 10-15 Reverse Flys
Part 2: 15 Min Circuit
- 300 Meter Bike Sprint
- 10-15 Gob Squats
- 10-15 Step Ups
- 15 Swings
Abs: 3 rounds
- 10 Weighted Situps
- 10 Wheels
- 1:00 Plank
ARMS: 3 Rounds
- 10-15 Curls
- 10-15 Tricep Ext
- 10-15 Lateral Raises