6.10 Get The GOAT

Get The GOAT

Partners “I go, You go”. (Solo Version is almost the same…details below)

Part 1: 5 rounds each (10 Total as a team)

  1. 5 KB Complex (with KB between your feet walk your hands out, walk back, Clean the KB, then Squat into an overhead Press)
  2. 10 Cal Ski

Partner 1 will complete all of this before partner 2 will go.

Part 2: 5 rounds each

  1. 5 Burpee Pullups or 8 Burpee Box Jumps
  2. 10 Cal Bike

Part 3: 5 rounds each

  1. 4 Plate Pushes or 40 Weighted Step Ups
  2. 10 Cal Row

Solo Version will be the same but instead of having a partner, just rest 1:00 after each round. It’s kind of like a ghost runner. You are playing like you have a teammate.

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